Friday, April 4, 2008

How the Power of Prevention Can Help Your Health Savings Account Grow

Health savings accounts allow people aside pre-tax money to cover medical expenses in the future. If the money is withdrawn to pay medical bills, and grow tax deferred, such as the Irish Republican Army. By adopting the way of life of some of the measures, hsa owners can dramatically reduce their chances of developing diseases, and could end up with a nice retirement medical expenses account.
a majority in this country pay for the treatment of chronic diseases that are preventable often. Unfortunately, most people do not take seriously their health, even after their patients. Simply by eating well and exercising, you can avoid medical conditions and expenses which affect the majority of Americans, and allow the money in your health savings account to continue growing tax free.
only you can prevent heart disease, cancer and diabetes for the
most with us stuck in our way of life and our patterns, with any idea of our strength for the positive impact on our health. Even before the time we are in our 40 & 39; s most of us at least one regular medication. By the time we are in our 60 & 39; s over 85% of all Americans and at least one of the degenerative diseases. By the time we are in our 70 & 39; sdead.
but We, in fact, a majority of people suffering from diseases as they age, is almost completely preventable.
- cancer: researchers from the National Cancer Institute that he believed 80-95 % of all cancer cases are due to environmental causes and lifestyle, and therefore preventable. Diet may have been involved in at least half of all cases of cancer, and a third of all cancers are linked obesity.
- dementia: Mark Houston, MD, Medical Director of the high blood pressure in blood vessels and biology at the Institute of Saint Thomas Hospital and Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, estimates that 95% of all dementia can prevent lifestyle approach.
- heart disease: Several studies indicate that 90% - 99% of all heart disease may be preventable.
- Diabetes: one of the nation The most popular health researchers, of the University of Harvard and Walter Willet sea bird, it is estimated that 92% of diabetes type - 2 to eat
probably preventable.
how is very important factors that can positively affect the health of most people is to change the way in which eat . There are many, most of them conflicting theories about what kind of diet is the healthiest. In my opinion, the only one of the rationale is really eating according to the way we eat.
the evolved into the idea " on nutrition era Stone & quot; published for the first time in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1985 in an article by Dr. S.. Boyd Eaton. Since then, the popularity of Lauren cordain, Ph.D., in his book, paleo diet, and studied by scientists nutrition throughout the world. The premise is simple: We have identified genes needs.
for feeding more than 2.5 million years, humans have evolved as hunters, and selective pressures lifestyle and diet designed genes we have today. We genetic composition is fantastically consistent with the function the best foods we eat.
a evolved to a mere 500 generations since the agricultural revolution brought sudden and dramatic change our diet, and constant changes to the present day. But we have the genes have not been able to keep pace change.
today about 2 / 3 of the food we eat are those that never encountered have Hunter and combining ancestors. The result is high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and a host of other ills that we should not be told suffer.
while most of us do not have access to the big game and wild land - Harvest organic products, and the closer we can emulate our ancestors ate better foods health will have us. Simply base your meals around a lot of fruit and vegetables, along with some lean protein.
you could begin before eating and eggs and melon for breakfast. Lunch and can be composed of authority with a large chicken barbecue. Dinner with some wild salmon, asparagus, and the authority. Complete meal with a large cup of the new blueberries.
everyone knows that exercise is good for them, but who wants to spend an hour daily jogging. (Some people do, but most do not have the time or the desire to get out jogging for an hour each day). What now to give you maximum benefit for the least amount of time is the practice with intensity.
so if it is fine with your doctor, knocked out and practice like you mean. Wind speed up the run, lift weights, do yourself. And gets to play in 30 minutes or less. Right combination of diet, and this kind of practice will get more results for less effort. You gain more muscle and lose more fat than if you go to the long slow run, and you feel great!
there are of course other factors that affect your health, including fatigue, sleep, clean air and water, and even genetics. But there is nothing you can do that will have an impact more than eating a good diet and active.
so is to be proactive, with all your money and your health. Benefit from the immense wealth taxes and benefits and build a hsa full funding of each year. And the right to life take all necessary measures to avoid preventable diseases that affect the most people as they age. Then in your retirement, you can enjoy good health and wealth accumulated until you truly deserve.
by Eli long - President, told hsa America ( - the nation& 39;s leading health insurance independent company specializing in individual and family coverage, which works with health savings accounts.

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